Tuesday, July 19, 2011


when was the last time
you had your blood pressure
checked, she asks me
while removing a tick
from the back of my leg.
did you get it, i ask.
burn it off, or pour
some alcohol on it,
there's a wine
glass over there with
some chardonay in it.
trader joe's. that should
kill it. god
i hate ticks. i was
in the grocery store
a few weeks ago and i
had my pressure checked
at the little machine
in the back where you
can get perscriptions
filled, plus i go on
web md a lot whenever
i feel sick or some
strange rash appears
on the side of my neck.
but i think that's
from the cologne i've
been splashing on.
plus i pick up quite
a bit of medical
knowledge from watching
House on t.v. .
cholestreol? she says
with her mom voice.
ummm, i think i'm good
there too, i feel fine,
and i've cut back on sweets.
you know, you aren't
a young pup anymore,
she says, as i feel
the tweezers pinch my
skin. i think i got
it all, she says. you
are tick free until
your next bike ride,
but you really should
have a doctor and go
get a physical. i will
i tell her, i will.
next year, promise.

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