Friday, June 24, 2011

potato salad

my son called me
the other day
and asked me, dad,
what do you know
about potato salad?
and i said. alot.
where do you want
me to start. he
had never asked
me for advice before
about anything, not
love, or work, or
school, or saving
money, but this
i felt was a good
start. so i told him
to pull up a chair,
get a pad of paper
and a pen,
and write down
this list of things
he'll need. a bag
of redskin potatoes.
red onions,
red peppers, celery,
boiled eggs and
mayonaise. salt and
pepper. and then i
proceeded to tell
him how to make
potato salad. i'm
happy that we are
getting along so well.

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