Thursday, June 2, 2011


when i'm not
on the phone
talking with
friends, i like
to talk to
God, she tells
me hurriedly. oh
really, i say,
and what's that
like, i ask
her. what do
you and God
discuss? and
she says, well,
he's pretty
much quiet,
because i am
so gabby, even
my friends say
that i should
come up for
air sometimes.
i can be pushy
on the phone,
it's the way i
am. i just have
alot to say about
alot of things,
you know? but God
is very patient
with me, he lets
me go on and on
and on about
just about
anything that
comes into my
mind. for instance
my sick cat who
has a liver
problem, or if
i lose my car
keys again.
God can be very
helpful that way.
He's very
God is, but
you sound nice
too. maybe we
should meet
for coffee sometime
and discuss
God further. I
think he can
help you too.

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