Tuesday, May 24, 2011

the nuns next door

a group of
nuns move
in next door
to you. there is
a catholic
church just
around the corner
so it's a convenient
place for them
to live,
but there's
four of them,
or five, it's
hard to tell
the way they
come and go
like penquins.
and you would
think that this
is a good thing,
that they aren't
a bunch of stews
from pan am,
or eastern,
with loud music
and commotion,
and pilots and
stray cat men
coming and going,
but it's not
good. the nuns
are almost too
quiet. i almost
feel like they
have their ears
with cups
to the wall.
listening to my
every unchurch
like move, i'm
trying so hard
to be on my best
behavior, but
failing badly.
i saw one wheeling
in a barrel of
holy water just
the other day.
this is not good.

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