Thursday, April 28, 2011


this dog
follows you home,
he keeps about ten
feet behind you
though, wagging
his tail and
panting with
that dog like
smile on his
face. he looks
alot like your
old dog, the one
with short legs
and a smooth
red coat.
you can hear
the tags on his
collar jingle
as he keeps pace.
there is a rock,
a bird, or
a bone in his
mouth as usual,
something that
you'll get never
pry loose unless
he wants you
to have it. you
turn around and
look at him
again and see
your son, holding
him on a leash.
he's ten or eleven,
and this makes
you smile, you
turn once more to
say something to
the both of them
as you cross the
street, be careful
you say, but when
you look back
they are gone.

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