Saturday, March 5, 2011

where's my ring?

a long time ago
in a land far far
away, in the eighth
grade, i went steady
with a girl for
the first time
and gave her a ring.
she went by the name
of mouse, because
she was tiny in stature
and had ears like,
well, exactly like
a mouse, and little
teeth in the front
that were good
for nibbling
carrots and celery
in the cafeteria
while i ate my
peanutbutter sandwich.
but she never gave
me that ring back
after we broke up.
it cost me nearly
two dollars
from G.C. Murphy's.
it was alot less
than most of the rings
i've never gotten
back, but for some
reason, that one
has stuck in my mind.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

i feel exactly the same about my Fender Tele that an ex-finance 'borrowed' back in 1978