Wednesday, March 30, 2011


use a bookmark
she says, here,
take mine. i don't
like the way you
bend the page,
dog ear every place
you stop. it's
annoying and it
ruins the book. i
don't like what
you are doing to
that book. i
stare at her while
i crease another
corner with wet
fingers. then close
it. it's not the kings
james bible for
crying out loud.
it's grisham, he'll
have another book
out in an hour.
and besides, it's
paperback. i might
light the grill with
it this summer.
you have no respect
for property she
says and gets up to
get the phone to make
a call. i hear her
telling her mother
about the book and
what a horrible person
i can be sometimes.
i think about never
reading again, but
then jump back into
to where i left off.
it's a great story. i
can't wait for the movie.

1 comment:

Deb said...
