Saturday, January 15, 2011

the wedding

and the wedding
went on into the
night, and the lights
went up, and the
band kept playing,
and everyone danced,
everyone drank too
much, they ate cake,
they sang, they
stumbled happily about.
and the wedding went
on, and on. it seemed
as if it would never
end, and i held
your hand beneath
the table covered
in white linen and
flowers. and
the children fell
asleep in their chairs,
and we watched a
sad moon slip over
the full bloom of
summer trees and we
gently kissed,
we waited, we waited,
and the wedding went
on and on, forever.
and everyone danced,
while the bride and
groom got lost in
the long night, her
white gown trailing
behind her on the
wet lawn and everyone
tried to say something
with meaning, tilting
and spilling their
glasses, trying to
say something wise,
and lasting. and
the ember tails
of fireflies
suddenly lit up and
were everywhere,
and we waited, me
and you together,
unsure about everything,
so much unsaid.
and we held hands,
we waited as the
wedding went on forever.

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