Sunday, November 14, 2010

what follows is this

what follows often
at the end of love,
at the end of
sadness and retreat,
what often lies in
the wake of tears
and sorrow and missing,
is a fragile kind of
relief. and you turn
that hard corner,
with a sigh
and leave the cold
room of despair, you
find the sun is still
as warm and caring
and gentle upon you
as it always was. and
food finds you again,
and fills you once more,
and sleep takes you
into her dark and sweet
arms and gives you
rest. you find new
clothes to wear
and your heart
heals, and begins
again to believe in
all the things that
gave you joy and hope
and wonder in this
temporary world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds nice...Wish it didn't take so long to get to that spot of relief, or do you ever get there? Damn, I wish I could believe that relief happens every time, but maybe it doesn't...