Tuesday, November 23, 2010

chop sticks

somehow i'm losing
forks, at last
count i only had
three left. a year
ago i had twelve,
i'm not sure where
they are going,
or who is taking
them, but it's an odd
thing to say the
least. they are not
heirlooms, or even
sterling silver, my
great grandmother
did not pass them
down to me,
they are just your
basic bed bath
and beyond, grab
a handful of them
off the shelf forks.
i've looked
everywhere they
might be. sometimes
when i eat chinese
food in bed, i'll
bring a fork up,
since i refuse
to use chop sticks,
and it will end up
on the floor,
under the bed,
or between
the sheets. it's not
good, i know. but
there is no one
here to yell at me
for that, so i get
away with it. i
do have a suspect
or two, but they
aren't talking to
me at the moment.
i'm sure they're
wondering where their
earrings are,
and necklaces and
the occasional
mood ring. i keep
them in a drawer
with the chopsticks,
but so far no one
has asked.

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