Tuesday, October 26, 2010

the long parade

it's the long parade,
there are floats, pink
and gold, ribbons in
the wind, balloons
tethered to keep
the wind from taking
them towards the sun,
there is the brass band
in step, with drums,
pageantry in bloom.
there are people waving,
people smiling, it is
the long parade. it is
everyone you've ever
known, everyone you've
loved, or have lost.
the dead are there too,
everyone is there, in
the long parade. it
has a beginning, and
an end, but you can see
neither, you may be
near the middle, but
you don't know, not yet.
and it keeps moving,
under the blue umbrella
sky, it's the long
parade. every place
you ever lived is there,
every school you sat
in, every tear you've
cried, each laugh,
each tender kiss,
each moment of pure
joy, of utter sadness.
every time you made love,
or lied, or lifted
someone up, or ignored
them, it keeps moving.
it's the long parade.
it's a dream, it's not
a dream. it's your life.
in shadow and in sun
light, it's the long

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