Friday, September 10, 2010


she liked to put
her ear up to the
wall and listen
to the neighbors.
sometimes they were
making love and
she could hear
their bed bang against
the wall, and the springs
squeak as they
went at it, her moaning
loudly, and him as
quiet as the dark trees
outside and other
times she'd hear
them argue, hear them
say horrible things
to one another, giving
each other an ultimatium
about who would leave
if things weren't
fixed. and why
they didn't love
each other anymore.
and then there were
times of silence, or
she could hear the tv
on low, as she thought
they must be reading, or
lying there with the
lights on, not talking.
but she still listened.
and she wondered when
her life would be
listened to as well.

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