Tuesday, September 14, 2010

only five bucks

i opened up
a small shop
on king street
for which to
disperse my fine
tuned wisdom
on a daily basis.
i've learned
what i know from
reading and
meditating with
the great minds
of today, like
my friend jimmy.
five bucks a pop.
you get two
minutes to rant
and rail about
your condition,
your problem,
your love life,
your job, or
kids, or dogs
or finances,
and then you'll
give me five
dollars, cash,
which i will
take as you slide
it under the
shatter proof
glass window,
like they have
at the bank
and then i will
give you your
words of wisdom.
which will go as
follows. let it
go, go home,
and get some
rest, quit eating
and drinking so
much, and suck
it up, quit
be such a big
baby. you're
not the only
one in the world
with problems.
get over yourself.
stop whatever
you are doing,
it's making it
worse and do
nothing. of course
all of those
things are easier
said than done.
i know from
personal experience,
but hey, it's
only five bucks.
what did you

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