Wednesday, May 5, 2010

pink babies

i live in a neighbor
hood full of babies.
pink round babies
with fuzzy blonde
heads, and blue eyes
like marbles. they
are in strollers,
in the grass
with fat diapers
dragging them down.
some tethered to posts
like balloons that
might fly away. they
are crying, spitting,
laughing, happy chubby
babies who only want
food and sleep. some
are up on their tiny
feet, or penned in by
cages near the playground,
others are crawling
trying to escape what
they can't escape,
or stuck in the slings
of back and front
packs. the parents are
bent over from the
weight of it all,
exhausted, blank eyed,
despite the sunny smiles,
it's a long road with
babies. a very long road.

1 comment:

Sara Leigh said...

Very long, they say about 40 years or so. We're halfway there.