Friday, April 30, 2010

what's shaking

i have enough
money, but i'd
like a little more,
okay, maybe
alot more. enough
to stop working
completely. enough
to pay off the bills
and buy a cadillac
convertible. enough
to walk around
in a shiny
suit with a big
hat, and shiny shoes.
i'd give myself
a nickname, like,
like, ummm, i can't
think of any right
now, but something
clever, maybe i'll
let my pals think of
a nickname for me.
i'd pay them for
the name. i'd have
a wad of cash in my
pocket at all times.
spreading happiness
and twenty dollar
bills everywhere i
went. mr. happy, yeah,
that'll be my new name.
hey mr. happy, what's
shaking, and i'd show
them what's shaking.

1 comment:

Sara Leigh said...

This one makes me chuckle.