Saturday, November 14, 2009


a wink is no
longer a wink,
a word written
is no longer
a literal word
but code for
something else
it's all smoke
signals now.
the mood you
are in, that
drink you had,
the lack of sleep
can alter the
meaning and sink
the ship.
the written
word is dangerous
in this short
cut world
of phone texting
and e-mails,
nothing said
is safe
and almost
everything seems
to be lost
in translation.
i am letting
the battery die,
putting thick
gloves on my
to keep them
from wandering
into word places
i should not go,
i'm zipping up
my lips.
i hope my
silence is not
but i'm sure it
will be.


sparrow said...
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lgsbowen said...
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