Saturday, October 10, 2009

The News

I'm tired of global warming,
recycling, the green people,
the farmer's market with their
home grown tomatoes.
I'm sick of the prius cars, and
the mini this and that, the fifty
mile per gallon braggadocios.
I don't want to see another
computer generated, time lapsed
video of what the earth will
look like when the ice caps melt.
Enough with Iran, Iraq,
Afghanistan, North Korea, and
even China. Stop with the
recession, the lack of jobs,
the closing factories, the corruption
on every corporate level, health
care, the swine flu. Especially
the swine flu. Just shut
up and go away. Leave us alone
for one Sunday so we
can relax, barbeque, watch
the ballgame in peace and quiet,
Have a cold beer on the couch.
I really do care, I just need a short
break. Thank you and goodnight.

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